Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Daytrip to Florence

A group of us took a EuroStar train to Florence, Italy for the day. After arriving, we explored the Florence Cathedral, visited the Uffizi Museum, walked along the Ponte Veccio, viewed the tombs of Santa Croce, and did some shopping. The city of Florence is slower paced than Rome, but is just as beautifl and historic. What it lacks in ancient artifacts, it makes up for in Renaissance and Medieval art and architecture.
The most memorable experience of today was also the least expected. Ms. Dalton, one of our instructors, and I decided to take a look inside Giotto's Campanile, which is located adjacent to the Florence Cathedral. Expecting to find some Michelangelo artwork, we paid the 6 euro fee, and proceeded up some stairs. What we didn't realize was that the stairs did not end; we had just paid 6 euros for an observation tower. Though Ms. Dalton was disappointed, I was excited to see Florence from 275 feet in the air. What I didn't know was that this would involve climbing about 500 stairs in a dark spiral staircase.
Finally, I reached the top, stepped outside, and was instantly exposed to stunning views of the Florentine city and countryside.

The view of the city was absolutely incredible, and it was even more fun looking straight down,
Though the tower may have held no actual pieces of art, it was amazing to see what a beautiful piece of art the city of Florence is itself. The hills rolled in the background, dotted with homes. Florence, more so than Rome, is how I "envisioned" Italy to look, with its hills, country homes, and quaint streets.
Another interesting portion of our day involved our visit to Santa Croce, which holds the tombs of Michelangelo, Dante, and the opera composer Rossini, among others. The tombs were beautiful, glorifying the prolific men they held. Even Dante, who toyed with upper-ranking officials of the Catholic Church during his Divine Comedy managed to be laid to rest in a catholic church. Before we knew it, it was time to return home. Believe it or not, my only "meal" today was gnocchi in Gorgonzola cream sauce, a definite plus! Thanks for reading, and have a good night!
Dante's Tomb

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