Thursday, May 19, 2011

Last Day in Rome

It's hard to believe that today was my last day in Rome. Though it seems like it was only yesterday that we were exploring the Pantheon for the first time, I also feel like I have become comfortable with the city, as if I have always lived here. I remember back to the end of the spring semester, when I was told about pick-pockets and bag snatchers, and I remember thinking that Rome would be a place where I would always have to keep an eye on my safety. The amazing part of Rome is that it may be a huge city, but it has the same feeling of comfort and security as a Disney resort. If you're hungry, you can walk about ten steps from the hotel and someone is happy to sell you anything you desire. You can walk down the streets at midnight and see nothing but people sitting at roadside cafes enjoying life, while accordion music drifts through the air and street performers amuse spectators in the square. It is truly a magical place. Tomorrow I'll be leaving for London, where we will spend 6 days.

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